Dr.Sunil Patidar

Signes and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Dr.Sunil Patidar

Signes and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Homeopathy Treatment of Hypothyroid:-

At dr.Sunil Patidar‘s homeopathic clinic we treat patients with a developed treatment protocol to get your thyroid hormones to healthy levels and gradually stop your thyroid medications. Very effective protocol that work on at least 100% of patients. Specially formulated homeopathy treatment is proven to cure under-active thyroid, commonly known as hypothyroid, gently& permanently. His treatment protocol has been developed after exhaustive in-clinical research. Best homeopathy clinic in Bhopal we have helped more than 2,000 patients of hypothyroid globally, and may also help you overcome the hypothyroid symptoms, completely and surely. Meet our specialists

Dr.Sunil Patidar today for our homeopathy treatment for thyroid problems. And get cure permanently.. 10 signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism

  • Feeling tired one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism is feeling worn out. The thyroid hormone controls energy balance and can influence whether you feel ready to go or ready to nap. Always feel lethargic.
  • Gaining Weight

              Unexpected weight gain is another common symptom of hypothyroidism and in pregnancy with hypothyroidism.

Women are so easily suffering from this disease.

  • Feeling Cold

The heart is a byproduct of burning calories.

You may feel cold after suffering.

  • Weakness and Aches in Muscles and Joints:-
  • Hair Loss

Like other cells, hair follicles are regulated by the thyroid hormone.

Because hair follicles have stem cells that have a short lifespan and rapid turnover, they are more sensitive to low thy6roid levels than other tissue.

Low thyroid hormone causes hair follicles to stop regenerating, resulting in hair loss. This will typically improve when the thyroid cause is treated.

In our clinical study, about 25-30% of patients seeing a specialist for hair loss were found to have low thyroid hormone. This increased to 50% in individuals age around 26 specially females and young boys.

  • Itchy and Dry Skin:-

If u feel itching in your body with dryness skin you should check your thyroid first. Like hair follicles, skin cells are characterized by rapid turnover. Therefore, they are also sensitive to losing growth signals from the thyroid hormone.

  • Feeling Down or Depressed

Hypothyroidism is linked to depression. The reasons for this are unknown

60 of women and 55% of men with hypothyroidism report feelings of low and depression. About the same percentage of men and women also experience anxiety and irritability this is very important to sing.

  • Difficult to Concentration and Remembering:-

Many patients with hypothyroidism complain of mental “fogginess’’ and trouble concentration. Confusion and forgetful the way this mental fogginess presents itself varies by person.

  • Constipation:-

Common but not always present.

Symptom because of the dryness of the colon.

  • Heavy or Irregular Periods:-

Both irregular and heavy menstrual bleeding are linked to hypothyroidism.

One study showed that about 40% of women with low thyroid hormones have an irregular period.

If u have any 3-4 signs and symptoms of this check your thyroid level first and do consult in our clinic for rapid and gentle permanent cure of your hypothyroidism. Shop no. 72 Arera colony 11 no.Market Bhopal.
